Architecture and delivery technology are foundational pillars to delivering your organisational objectives. Your ability to grow, transform or become more efficient will be dependent on ensuring your business strategy is underpinned by a target architecture, and your change roadmap is in alignment with it.   

Headforwards’ Target Architecture Review enables you to understand whether your IT Applications, Data, Integration and Infrastructure enables your current and future business needs. Our assessment delivers an in-depth review of your data and technology estate and current security posture, helping to set the framework for your IT planning guides where streamlining and resource allocation need to take place.   

Our approach.

Led by senior, experienced IT leaders from commercial environments, our Architecture Review starts by looking at your data and technology estate from a business perspective.   Assessments are made through both an operational and a strategic lens, with an emphasis on ensuring that you are equipped to make well informed decisions that build on your existing technology foundations and strategy.  

Our approach anchors effort to where the business value is. What does this mean? We focus on addressing the architecture challenges that are causing business problems and preventing value from being realised, delivering the value you need, more quickly.

Our Architecture Review takes in the following:  

  • Decision Frameworks – a simple framework which helps the business make quicker decisions in relation to technology.  
  • Design Principles – principles that are focused more on how technology delivers business value and are well understood by all.  
  • Capability/Domain Deep Dives – identify the most critical areas to review.  
  • Useful for all – architecture documented in a way that enables all parts of the organisation to contribute, influence and inform not just those with a technical understanding.  

Architecture Review Criteria:  

  • Scalability  
    Will the technology scale?

  • Technology
    How modern is it?  

  • Service Management
    Can it be easily serviced?  

  • Cloud Portability  
    Will it move to the Cloud?  

  • Business Capability Alignment  
    Will it meet current and future business needs?  

  • Digital Strategy Alignment  
    Does it support digital processes?  

  • Security  
    How secure is it?  

  • Data  
    Have we captured and organised Data in the right way?  

  • Agility   
    How quick is it to change and update?  

    After the initial review we have additional Application, Infrastructure, Integration and Cyber criteria which we can use to further drill down as required and according to our clients’ unique organisational needs.

Cloud Migration services

As part of the Architecture review, we also offer a Cloud Migration service. We are experienced at helping organisations to move their applications and data from an on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. For organisations with a complex application and data estate this usually results in a hybrid on-premises and cloud architecture.  

We specialise in three areas:  

  • Re-Factoring complex bespoke applications and moving them to the cloud. Often this requires application and integration skills, and the application moving talks to other applications that may or may not be moving.
  • Supporting organisations with a small IT team to develop a cloud strategy, and then execute this usually as a solution to improve their Security.
  • Cloud Management, managing large cloud workloads in a cost-efficient manner.

Headforwards™ is a Registered Trade Mark of Headforwards Solutions Ltd.
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