HeadTalks Podcast Episode #3 | DevOps Capabilities: Chris Fayers, Senior Product Manager at Form3
Chris Fayers, Senior Product Manager at Form3, joins HeadTalks host, Owen Hodge to discuss all things DevOps.
A HeadTalk hosted by an author, presenter, and software development consultant Kevlin Henney.
Velocity. Sprints. More points, more speed.
An obsession with speed often overtakes the core values of Agile software development. It’s not just development of software; it’s development of working software. Sprints are not about sprinting; they’re about sustainable pace. Time to market is less important than time in market.
Full-stack development is normally a statement about technology, but it also applies to individuals and interactions. The full stack touches both the code and the world outside the code, and with that view comes responsibility and pause for thought. Doing the wrong thing smarter is not smart. The point of a team is its group intelligence not its numbers. Is scaling up the challenge, or is scaling down the real challenge?
The distraction and misuse of speed, velocity, point-based systems, time, team size, scale, etc. is not the accelerant of agile development. Agility lies in experimentation, responsiveness and team intelligence.
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